It took me a few weeks to understand that a) our landlord is in Germany, b) our water pump is housed in the downstairs tenant’s yard, c) the pump switch is located at our neigbour’s house, d) the main water tank on the ground floor is filled randomly (haven’t figure out who does this), and e) our pump is powered by our neighbour’s generator, which is only on when he chooses/ is home. I’m guessing the architect for this set-up is an idiot savant, or British.

I probably wouldn’t be too bothered with having to fetch water for bucket showers, but somehow I managed to contract some sort of rash, which just ads to the annoyance. First diagnosed by everyone as heat rash (on my wrist. settle down.) It started on the weekend. It’s itchy. It spread after a few days to reveal itself as POISON IVY. I’m still not sure what it is, but my skin is reacting like it’s poison ivy. I tell everyone it’s malaria. It’s now in defeat stage, but still itchy.
(Photo Right: My stylist, Mariama; Photo Left: Zorro)
1 comment:
we sure take many things for granted here in north america....not me coming from calabria!
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